Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Georgetown Look

Like most newlyweds, my husband and I have residual furniture leftovers from our single lives. For some people it is that quintessential leather lounger men love to watch their favorite sports in. For us, it's an IKEA coffee table purchased circa 2000 for $75.  It's definitely time to upgrade, which is why these estate style coffee, sofa, and drum tables from Macy's caught my eye. Starting at $397 for this mahogany sofa table to  $499 for a coffee table, these pieces are finished with a rich mahogany veneer and have a classic shell motif, similar to furniture made in the 1780's during the reign of King George.  Loaded with detail, it makes an elegant statement without breaking the bank. 

Shhh. Don't tell the neighbors.

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